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Basic Quadcopter Parts

quadcopter parts

Quadcopter can be furnished with different extra features, for instance a camera, spray and many others. However, for a basic quadcopter to work, there are several quadcopter parts that we must know. This will be a short overview of the fundamental quadcopter parts

Frame The main component that defines the structure of quadcopter is the frame. Quadcopter frame is the main component that provide the storing of other quadcopter components. If your quadcopter frame is equipped with power distribution board (PDB), it will allow a tidy finish instead of messing up of wires in quadcopter. Items to keep in mind while looking for a quadcopter frame is the weight, size and material.

quadcopter motor

Motor The next quadcopter component is motor. The motor in a quadcopter is similar to the engine in a car, they are both used to give you the movement. In quadcopter, the motor will rotate the propeller and creating thrust force which moves the quadcopter. When selecting a quadcopter motor, items to take notice including shaft diameter, motor diameter, quantity of cells, kV, current, weight and thrust.


Propellers will affect how the quadcopter flies. A quadcopter will have four propellers, two for rotating at clockwise direction and the other two for rotating at anti-clockwise direction.

quadcopter propellers

Longer propellers are going to have stronger lift, but they are heavier and much more powerful motors are required; shorter propellers will have weaker lift but they are able to change speed quicker. There are also different materials for propellers, including plastic, carbon-fibre, fibre glass reinforced and wood. Besides material, other specifications is diameter and pitch, which are often expressed as 7x3.5, 10x3.8 as well as other format. The 1st values, for example 7 or 10 would be the diameters of the propellers whilst the second values, as an example 3.5 or 3.8 would be the pitch of your propellers.

Flight Control Board (FCB)

quadcopter FCB

FCB is the "CPU" in the quadcopter, it's an electronic circuit that contains important devices including gyroscopes and accelerometers. Gyroscopes and accelerometers are being used as sensors in flight control of quadcopter. In FCB, the data from these devices is going to be processed and subsequently make it possible for us to maneuver the quadcopter properly.

Electronic Speed Control (ESC)

Electronic speed control (ESC) is in charge of altering the rotation speed of quadcopter motors. When ESC receives a signal from the flight control board, it'll changes the quantity of electricity supplied into the motors, by doing this, the motor speed varies. The thing to consider when purchasing a ESC will be the ampere of motor, the ampere of ESC should always be more than the ampere of motor. Radio Transmitter and Receiver Radio transmitter and receiver is the bridge of interaction in between us and our quadcopter. There are a few things to consider in choosing them, these factors such as range of channels, frequency and modes. Battery and Charger

Battery is the fuels that power the flight of quadcopter. There are 3 battery specifications that we need to understand, mAh, C and 2s-4s. In choosing charger for the battery, there are several factors or specifications to bear in mind, that include battery cell count, charge current range, charger power / circuit power.

Power Harness and Power Distribution Board (PDB) The battery pack has to supply the power to 4 ESCs, which in turn supply to motors. However, there's 1 component that connects between battery and ESCs, that is power harness or power distribution board. Power harness is a group of wires where one end is required to connect to the battery pack and the other end is required to connect with the ESCs. PDB serves the same function, however, as opposed to connecting from one end to the other end, it is all performed in 1 board, whereas in power harness either a connector or possibly a bundle of wires are used to perform the work.

Building a quadcopter completely from scratch require planning and selections of quadcopter parts ought to be done correctly. As seen from above, these are the basic quadcopter parts required.


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